The Weaver

8 04 2010

My life is but a weaving betwixt the Lord and me.

I do not choose the colour – He worketh steadily.

Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow and I in foolish pride,

Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.

Not till the loom is silent, and the shuttle cease to fly

Shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful in the Weaver’s skillful hand

As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.

Grant Colfax Tullar

Where are you Lord?

24 03 2009

I took these notes from a magazine a few years ago. I hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me.

God is deeply committed to our growth. The Bible describes three painful processes that God uses, often during dark-night periods, to remove from our lives that which doesn’t honour Him.

  1. pruning – John 15 v 2
  2. refining – 1 Peter 1 v 7, also Isaiah 48 v 10
  3. shaking – Hebrews 12 v 27 – 29, also Isaiah 43 v 1 and 2

Road signs – to help us recognise we are experiencing the unique work of God.

There is a perceived change in God’s presence

– He seems more distant yet we have a deeper sense of His working.

Diminished Ego

– Our manipulative, controlling, possessive self being broken down. It seems like regression, but a more authentic humility grows in us.

Distorted images of God

– We realize more fully how self-serving and immature many of our previously held concepts of God have been.

Other signs

– He’s teaching us utter dependence on Him. Other aspects of life we turn to for fulfilment, satisfaction or security may be challenged.

A Willing Soul – how can we co-operate with God?

  • Honestly express your emotions to God
  • Fight the temptation to run for distress
  • Resist trying harder
  • Seek companions – mature, patient, listeners
  • Be faithful, but release your expectations
  • Be patient with yourself and with God
  • Call to mind God’s faithfulness

Touching Bedrock

We need to die to ourselves. God uses hard circumstances to accomplish His deeper work of humility in us. We can, by dying to self, rest on the bedrock of His love and faithfulness.