Horrible Habits

25 03 2009

I have many horrible habits but I’m only going to tell you about this one. I jump to conclusions and (pre)judge. I’ve got a book to read by Tim Chester called “You can Change”. Obviously I haven’t read it yet but I intend to.

Anyway, my confession is that I looked up his blog and saw that he’d written an entry on “washing up”. That was enough to get me started on a nit-picking, navel-gazing, over-spiritualise-everything, give-us-all-a-break, type of rant. And that was before I noticed a section on the evils of dishwashers! Delete, delete, delete.

Fortunately I have a long-suffering husband who suggested I read what it says and see if it rings any bells. Of course it did. I’m both the legalist and the idolater when it comes to tasks in the kitchen. But I’d rather jump to my foregone conclusion and throw pot shots at someone who is streets ahead of me in terms of holy living than take the help and advice offered, and apply the gospel to every area of my life. Thank you for your wise counsel, Mr Chester.

(But I’m keeping my dishwasher.)



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